Welcome to the Website of

Garth Webb Secondary School



We must have a completed package for every student. Thank you!

This form is required for all students participating on an athletic team at Garth Webb in the 2024-2025 year.

Brightspace Troubleshooting

1. Email your teacher - they might be able to help you.

2. Explore the HDSB Tech Tips website to see if you can find a solution.

3. If you are having Brightspace difficulties, please click here to request assistance.

Spotlight on Schools

Co-op in the HDSB

Garth Webb SS students David, Tyler and Matthew are gaining hands-on experience through Cooperative Education! Co-op is a fantastic opportunity for HDSB students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work experience placement in the community. It's available in all HDSB secondary schools and is valuable for all post-secondary destinations including: apprenticeship, college, community, university or work. Visit the Cooperative Education page on HDSB.ca to learn more about how co-op can benefit students and employers.

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Garth Webb Mission, Vision, and Values