Learning Resources Services & Contact Info

Resource Teacher (A-F):

Michael Crabtree

Special Education Department Head & Resource Teacher (G-P): 

Nemanja Pjanic

Resource Teacher (Q-S):

Jeff Morrow

Resource Teacher (T-Z):

David Del Monte

The Learning Resources Department: 

Learning Strategies (GLE/GLS) Course:

This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply: 

Learning Resources Room

The Learning Resources room provides a space for students with IEPs/ELL/Student Success profiles to complete tests, assignments, and receive additional help with their learning needs from a staff member. In order to access this room during regular instructional times, students with IEPs/ELL/Student Success profiles must get approval from their classroom teacher. 

Additional Assistance in Classrooms

The Learning Resources department assists classroom instruction in areas where there is a higher number of students with IEPs. In consultation with staff, the Learning Resources department determines what classes receive extra support.

Assistive Technology

Students who require help with assistive technology are asked to speak with their assigned SERT.