Learning Skills Tips

How to Beat Procrastination

Postponing tasks we don't like is normal and most often harmless. Problems arise when we let tasks become so overwhelming that we do nothing at all.

 Click here for tips to help prevent you from getting to that point.

Click here to watch a TedTalk from Tim Urban a self proclaimed Master Procrastinator.

Problem Solving

Have you ever had to solve a problem but didn't know how to get started? 

Click here to learn an IDEAL strategy.


The following are two strategies to help you get started with completing research for your courses. 

Preparing for Tests/Exams

Use the Self Test Strategy to effectively prepare for a test or exam.


Self-advocacy is the ability to speak up for what you need. The beginning of new courses is a great time to start advocating for your learning needs. 

Click here to watch a video on self-advocacy.

Staying Organized

Start using a checklist/to-do list to ensure that you stay on top of all your responsibilities this quadmester. Google Tasks is a cross platform tool that will allow you to stay organized by accessing your lists anywhere. 

Get started by accessing these resources:    Video    Written Instructions

HDSB Library Services

The HDSB library service has a number of great resources to help you on your lifelong learning journey. Do you need access to a book, ebook, audio book or another resource? 

Note Taking

Note taking helps us remember important information. 

Please click here to learn a strategy for effective note taking.

Remote Learning

Please click here for some helpful remote learning tips.


Here is a resource to help you get or stay motivated as we approach the last few weeks of the quadmester.

Assistive Technology Tools


Read & Write helps students to read, and write and express themselves independently.


PDF Reader allows for using Read & Write tools on PDF documents.


EquatI0 has many accessibility features and tools to be used with mathematics.

Planning & Organization

This resource provides helpful tips in planning and organization. It also provides a template for a weekly planner!

Creating Task Lists & Prioritizing

This resource provides helpful tips in creating task lists and prioritizing.


The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is connected with mental health, physical well being, memory, and more. Here are a few videos that highlight the importance of sleep.

Digital Detox

A Digital Detox can be useful in order to provide balance in your day to day life. Some of the different strategies include: listening to music, talking to a friend, reading a book, playing a game, and colouring.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

As we navigate and push through these challenging times, it is important we understand and value how important our Mental Health is. Here is a resource for you around Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing.

Read & Write Tool Tips


As homework, tests and assignments start to increase. Incorporating some assistive technology tools might be useful for students. Here are some links to help you learn more about Read & Write and how you could implement this tool in your studies.

Self Advocacy


Building skills around Self-Advocacy helps students advocate for their learning and understand their learning needs. Click here to view a video on Self-Advocacy. 

Useful Resources

Here is a link for our Learning Resources “Useful Resources” page where you will find useful tips on problem solving, researching, organization, self-advocacy, etc.

If you require additional support with learning skills, 

please email your Special Education Resource Teacher.