December 15, 2024
Note: Winter Break is from Monday, December 23, 2024 - Friday, January 3, 2025
Principal's Message
Topic: Equity & Human Rights Committee & NBE Course
Dear GWSS Families:
The GWSS Equity & Human Rights Committee (Staff Group) is working to fulfill the board’s renewed commitment to Indigenous learning and trying to improve our understanding of Indigenous perspectives. Our committee has selected Embers: One Ojibway’s Meditations, by Richard Wagamese to further our learning.
Wagamese’s chapters help us to explore teachings about Stillness, Harmony, Trust, Reverence, Persistence, Gratitude, and Joy. All are inspiring and center us in the importance of relationships.
We acknowledge that no teaching stands alone, but this passage really resonated with the start of our learning journey. On page 38, Wagamese writes,
“We approach our lives on different trajectories, each of us spinning in our own separate, shining orbits. What gives this life its resonance is when those trajectories cross and we become engaged with each other, for as long or as fleetingly as we do. There’s a shared energy then, and it can feel as though the whole universe is in the process of coming together.”
On the back of the book, Wagamese asks us to “bring these words into your life. Feel them. Sit with them. Use them.”
NBE Course Update
Our grade 11 English students are now taking NBE3U, which is English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Voices. Part of their learning has involved exploring the meaning behind the HDSB's new land acknowledgement. Each week, an NBE3U student shares their learning on the announcements after reading the land acknowledgement to the school. Recently, Kaelyn Chopra (left) and Charlotte Israel (right) shared their learning with the school and it had a profound impact on all who heard them:
There is a story about Nanabush and the Giant Beaver, which is a traditional tale told by the Elders and storytellers of the Anishinaabe people. In the story, Nanabush encounters a giant beaver who is causing environmental destruction by building enormous dams in the river and flooding large areas. Overall, the beavers' actions threatened the habitats of the humans as well as the wildlife living in this river and on land. In order to stop the beaver, Nanabush transforms into a large branch which flows down the river breaking past the dams and then restoring the natural flow of the river as well as the balance of the ecosystem. Stories like this have been passed down orally by Elders and Knowledge Keepers and have played a critical role in teaching values. The story following Nanabush teaches reciprocity, as well resilience and ways of problem-solving. Storytelling has always been an essential part of the Mississaugas' culture, acting as a means of educating the younger generations about their history, values, and traditions.
The GW Equity Team
Modified Schedule and Early Dismissal this Friday
Period 1 8:30 - 9:10 AM
Period 2 9:15 - 9:50 AM
Period 5 9:55 - 10:30 AM
Period 4 10:35 - 11:10 AM
Assembly 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Dismissal 12:15 PM (students go home for lunch)
Happy Holidays!
Winter Spirit Week
January 2025 Final Evaluation Block
The HDSB school year calendar shows there are 5 designated Exam Days at the end of each semester. The Halton District School Board’s 2024-2025 Ministry approved school year calendar’s semester 1 exams days are from Thursday, January 23 to Wednesday, January 29, 2025. This is referred to as our “Final Evaluation Block”, and students will be completing components of the final 30% of a course’s grade on each of these days. The final 30% takes a variety of formats and could include a performance, written assignment, formal exam, presentation, etc., each of which are referred to as “Final Evaluations”.
As per Growing Success (page 41), “Final Evaluations will be based on evidence from one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance task, an essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content. The final evaluation must allow the student an opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive achievement of the overall expectations for the course.”
Here are some details in reference to the the Final Evaluation Block:
Final evaluations are to be written on the assigned date, except in the case of illness and/or extenuating circumstances. As soon as you become aware of a circumstance that will conflict with any final evaluation date, please have your student complete this Final Evaluation Conflict Request form.
All final evaluations begin at 9:00 a.m. and are scheduled to be written in the regular classroom unless a change in location is announced by the teacher.
Students are to exit the building immediately after they complete their final evaluation each day.
Click here to see the complete final evaluation schedule (there could be minor changes to this schedule in January so we will share it again in January's Principal's Blog messages).
The library will be closed during the final evaluation block and the cafeteria will be closed from January 23 - February 1 and will reopen on Monday, February 3.
The final evaluation schedule follows the format of one evaluation per day based on a Week A schedule:
Thu, Jan 23 Period 1 Evaluations @ 9 am
Fri, Jan 24 Period 2 Evaluations @ 9 am
Mon, Jan 27 Period 4 Evaluations @ 9 am
Tue, Jan 28 Period 5 Evaluations @ 9 am
Wed, Jan 29 Evaluation Make Up Day if needed due to school closure
Thu, Jan 30: Evaluation Review Day - shortened schedule (attendance is taken this day)
If the Board makes a decision to close all schools for any reason, all evaluations will be cancelled for that day and shifted to the final evaluation make-up day - Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
(i.e. If schools were closed on Thursday, January 23, Thursday's Period 1 evaluations would be cancelled and then written on the evaluation make up day which is Wednesday, January 29).
Final Evaluation Review Day: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Students will be provided an opportunity to review their work on the Final Evaluations and receive feedback on their evidence of learning. This date will involve a different timetable where attendance is taken and students will meet with their teachers for a short review period.
The Final Evaluation Review Day Schedule as follows:
Period 1 8:30 - 9:00 AM
Period 2 9:05 - 9:35 AM
Period 4 9:40 - 10:10 AM
Period 5 and Dismissal 10:15 - 10:45 AM
Click here to access a printable version of this message.
Helping Grade 9 Students Prepare for Exam Season
The transition to high school comes with many firsts, including the Grade 9s' first exam season. To support our students during this exciting but often challenging time, the Student Senate is hosting a workshop titled "Tips and Tricks for Exam Season".
This interactive session is designed to equip Grade 9s with the tools they need to approach their exams with confidence. Topics will include effective study techniques, managing stress, and making the most of their time.
Subjects : Math, Science, Geography, and English.
đź“… Dates: Wednesday, January 8 & 15, 2025
đź•š Time: 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM (Lunch Period)
đź“Ť Location: Room 2020 (second floor)
This initiative is proudly supported by our Student Senators: Aaisha Hassan, Arthur Chao & Reeva Jiyani, who are working closely with the school administration to make this event possible. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at,,
We encourage all Grade 9 students to attend this workshop and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from their peers and experienced students. Let’s make this exam season a success!
Grade 12 Comm Tech Field Trip
The students in the Grade 12 Comm Tech class traveled to downtown Oakville to collect content to create designs for travel and tourism in Oakville using photoshop, lightroom, and Illustrator.
On Thursday, the students met with Michael Mirenzi the Digital Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Visit Oakville to learn about pathways, post secondary programs, content creation, and collaboratively working as a team. Providing these types of experiential learning is vital to students growth and skill development in technological education.
GWS Students Engage in the Smile Campaign!
Many seniors in long-term care facilities experience feelings of loneliness or isolation. A simple letter can make them feel remembered, valued, and cared for. These letters are not just an act of kindness—they are also a way to bridge the generation gap. By connecting with older generations, you can gain insight into history, values, and perspectives that you might not otherwise encounter. The students' words have the power to uplift someone's spirit, offer encouragement, and create a sense of community.
Thank you to all the staff and students who engaged in the smile campaign writing letters to our community senior citizens who live in long term care facilities.
And thank you to the comm tech classes and Mr. Hyslop's TAS class that designed the cards.
Happy Holidays!
Halton Women’s Place @GWSS
This past week, the Student Senate and Women’s Empowerment Club at Garth Webb had the privilege of hosting Halton Women’s Place for an inspiring and informative session. The event brought students together to learn about important topics related to women’s safety, empowerment, and support services available in our community.
The session was incredibly engaging, with many students sharing how much they learned from the discussions. It sparked meaningful conversations and raised awareness about critical issues, leaving everyone feeling more informed and empowered. A huge thank you to Halton Women’s Place for visiting and sharing their knowledge and insights!
Generation Green Conference
A group of our students attended the Halton Environmental Network's Generation Green kickoff conference recently. Students had a chance to attend three workshops that will help them develop a climate action plan over the next few months, which they'll submit to the Generation Green competition in the spring. Students learned how to measure and track their carbon emissions, as well as the climate impacts of various eco-friendly practices!
Grade 12 Biology Field Trip
The Grade 12 University Biology classes had the opportunity to perform some real life biotechnology at McMaster University this past week. They worked very closely with plant biologists in an undergraduate lab to apply their learning about Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and compare the DNA of wild type plants with transgenic plants. In order to do this, they needed to accurately load agarose gels with the specimen and perform gel electrophoresis to separate the strands of DNA using a thermocycler.
The students did a fantastic job and got some first hand experience on critical lab skills and genetics research.
White Out Hunger Day
The GW Athletic Council hosted a White Out Hunger Day last week on Dec 11 in support of the Kerr Street Mission food drive. Students and staff wore white clothing and collected non perishable food items to donate. They also attended the junior and senior girls' volleball games to cheer on our Chargers. Thanks for a great event GWAC!
Winter Concert Success!
Congratulations to our Garth Webb music ensembles on their Winter Concert! After a semester of hard work in rehearsals, our student musicians put on a fantastic show. Thank you to the parents and students in the audience who came out to show support!
One of the highlights of the evening was the student introductions of each ensemble. The pairs of student MCs explained the song choices and shared what being a music student at GW means to them and what they have learned. Each student spoke from the heart and it made the night so much more meaningful!
A very big thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Pontefract and Mr. Contini for all of your work with our talented musicians this year.
Travel for Credit Summer Program
The HDSB and Gary Allan Learning Center are collaborating with Edu Travel to launch a pilot Travel for Credit summer program in 2025. The program will offer Civics and Careers (CHV2O/GLC2O) and Justice Journeys (CHA3U/HSE4M), with priority registration for HDSB students until February 15, 2025.
EduTravel will host an online information session on February 5, 2025.
Tuesdays @Ten
On December 3 we held our monthly parent/guardian engagement session. This month's topic was Scholarships and Financing Post Secondary Education. We shared information on the various scholarships that exist, resources available to help support applications, and a quick summary on OSAP.
If you missed the session, please feel free to access the the slides and recording.
Course Selection 2025/2026 School Year
Student Services will be running Grade presentations around the course selection process for the 2025/2026 school year during the week of December 16. Information around the process and considerations will be shared with families in the coming weeks. Students will be able to select their courses using myBlueprint throughout the month of January.
Grade 12 - Post Secondary Applications and Graduation Requirements
Student Services met with all Grade 12 classes this fall. As a follow up to the presentation, we wanted to share the information below with students and their families. This message is a reminder of some important information as you navigate the postsecondary application process and completion of the final graduation requirements.
Community Hours
Students need to submit 40 community hours no later than May 1, 2025 for completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students can submit their hours HERE. If needed, they can complete our recording form found HERE.
Online Learning Requirement
Students are also required to take two e-learning credits to graduate. However, students can opt out by returning this form to Student Services.
Post Secondary Applications - University
Students can apply via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre using their OENs (Ontario Education Number) and personal email account. An OEN can be found on a student’s report card. The due date for applications is January 15, 2025.
Post Secondary Applications - College
Students can apply via using their personal email account. The due date for applications is February 1, 2025.
Information will be posted on the Grade 12 Google Classroom stream as well as in a document in Classwork. Information can also be found via the HDSB website: HDSB Scholarship Resources.
More details and resources on the above information can be found in our Grade 12 Presentation and Resource Slide Deck: Grade 12 Presentation 2024.
National Scholarships - Grade 12 Students
Information around scholarships will be shared via the google classroom throughout the year. Please note that most National Scholarship deadlines are in the fall where has community scholarships are in the Spring. Please feel free to investigate these Scholarships to see if you are eligible.
Queen's - Deadline typically early December
Schulich - School Nomination Jan. 30
HDSB Guide to Post Secondary
The transition from secondary school to post-secondary is a significant journey and one that is both exciting and potentially overwhelming at the same time. The HDSB has put together this guide to help students and families navigate. Click here to check it out.
Community Hours: New in the 2024-2025 School Year
Students who complete more than 40 community involvement hours are encouraged to maintain their own record of completed community involvement hours. Secondary schools will no longer track and collect documentation for the completion of community involvement hours beyond the 40 hours required. Students can maintain a record of completed involvement hours through a digital or hard copy portfolio should they wish to have proof of hours for future scholarship, award and/or special program opportunities.
Volunteer Club
Volunteer Club dedicates to provide more volunteering opportunities to our students. Our goal is to make the information more accessible for everyone. We post opportunities weekly with all of the information included in our google classroom! If you want to learn more about our club and wish to find more opportunities, please join our google classroom through code: dtpah5l.
You can also find us on instagram (@gwss.volunteer), LinkedIn (GWSS Volunteer Club), and Twitter (@gwss_volunteer)! If you have any question, feel free to email us at
Opportunity for this Week:
Friends of Bronte Creek is looking for volunteers to help run the Holiday Festival Store:
Responsibilities include selling cider, hot chocolate, tea , coffee, and sugar cookies as well as items from the store. A volunteer's commitment is 9:30am-4 pm. Students will accrue a total of 6 1/2 hours per day.
Specific role & date can be found here.
Email if you have any questions!
This year, we will be sharing our Equity & Inclusive Education section on a standalone webpage on our site.
We will have this link in the weekly blog to direct you so that you can read about the various days of significance throughout the school year.
Important Information
Important Parking Lot Reminders
Please be aware that our parking lot is very busy at school entry and dismissal times. It is preferred that students walk to school whenever possible. However, if you do end up driving your student to school (or for students who are driving themselves), we advise that people arrive early to avoid delays especially during the winter months and inclement weather. Come early to get a spot and please do not park in “no parking zones”. Arriving early is even more important now that the Town has closed the parking lot by the park for the winter (we have been trying to get it reopened but so far have not been successful this year).
Students who will be driving to school must have their vehicle registered with the main office and must display a school parking pass in their vehicle while it is parked on school property.
Please use this form to request a parking pass. You will need to have your vehicle make/license plate information to register for a parking pass. Students are permitted to park in the lot closest to the front entrance to the school ONLY. The office will contact you via email when passes are ready. Please note that having a parking pass does not guarantee you a parking spot. You must arrive early (before 8:15 am is recommended) to be sure to get a spot as it’s first come, first served.
Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safe!
Extended Absence Reminder
Parents who withdraw students during school time are advised that, depending on the timing and length of the absence, academic performance of your student may be affected. It is the student’s responsibility to catch-up on missed work.
In secondary school, any absence that is longer than 3 consecutive days is referred to as an extended absence. If you know that your student will be away for more than 3 consecutive school days, please print this extended absence form and fill it in with the information requested 2 weeks prior to the planned absence (hard copies are available in the office). Students should ask their parent/guardian and teachers to fill in the form and once it is complete, the form should be handed in at the main office. The Vice Principal will then review the form and it will be given to the attendance Administrative Assistant for attendance to be entered (absences longer than 3 days are not able to be entered into School Messenger by parents). If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to the main office at 905-847-6875. Thank you.
PIC Save the Date
Save the date! HDSB parents/guardians and community members are invited to the 2025 Parent Involvement Committee Conference: Getting Connected on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Elsie MacGill Secondary School in Milton.
This free event will feature informative workshops, community partners and displays and a keynote address by Dr. Alex Russell, Ph.D., C.Psych., Clinical Psychologist and author of Drop the Worry Ball: How to Parent in the Age of Entitlement. Lunch will be provided and free childminding for children aged 4-12 is available. Further information and registration details will be shared in January!
An Important Message from Halton Region Public Health
Students/parents can report immunization information by:
visiting to view and report immunization records online;
calling 311;
emailing; OR
mailing or dropping off to: Vaccination Services, Halton Region Public Health, located at 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3L1.
Student immunization records can be viewed and updated online through Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON), available at ***NOTE: ICON PINs expire when a student turns 16 years old and will need to be reset. Direct these students to to follow the instructions for resetting a PIN.
Students with incomplete records are encouraged to receive missing vaccine doses through their health care provider, or at a Public Health Community Immunization Clinic. Required vaccines are free of charge.
Parents with questions about their student’s record are encouraged to call 311 to speak to a public health nurse. If the student is 16/16+ the student is encouraged to call 311 themselves. Alternatively, if consent is provided by the student, the parent or guardian can speak on the student’s behalf.
Information about vaccine exemption can be found at
For more general information about Immunization in Ontario - see this Ministry of Health Informative Flier.
Additional Language Translations can be found on the Ministry website linked here.
*For students who are new to the HDSB and from outside Ontario:
Students over 16 years, or parent/guardians/ custodians of students under 16 years, can either take their home country vaccine records in person to the Halton Regional Headquarters Building at 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville.
OR a digit copy/photo can be emailed to
AND - request an Immunization Identification Number and Online Account access by emailing:
For the email Subject Line, use --> "HDSB Student Outside of Ontario Vaccination Record Submission"
In the email body, please attach:
a photo or PDF of the student's vaccination record from their outside of Ontario jurisdiction, and include the following student information in the email: Student full LEGAL Name, which would be the name on their passport/ birth certificate.
Student Date of Birth, written with Month Day, Year - For example January 1, 2021
The HDSB School the student(s) are attending - For example: Garth Webb Secondary School
Click here for further information.
Links to Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Support Services for Winter Break
Support Services are available to students year round! If you find yourself in need with your mental health and well-being over the break, you are not alone. Be sure to use one of the resources that are available to you:
ROCK 24 hr crisis line support: 905-878-9785
COAST (16+): 1-877-825-9011
Kids Help Phone (up to age 24): 1-800-668-6868 or text 686868
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline (24 hr support for all ages): call or text 9-8-8.
One Stop Talk Connect with a Therapist: or 1-855-416-TALK
Visit HDSB Student Support Services website.
Here & Queer is the raddest space for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth agesd 13-17 to build those friendships and master those social skills that keep them soaring! Brace yourself for a warm and welcoming community, where you can have fun, learn social skills, and feel safe to be you. February 4 - March 25 on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in Oakville.
Activities and crafts designed to increase feelings of self worth, self-compation, self-confidence, and much more! Join us for this 6 week, 2 hour long group on Wednesday evenings in Milton. For more information contact ROCK's ASN @289-266-0036.
School Calendar & Sports Schedule
Important Dates for Your Calendar
Upcoming Key Dates
Dec 20 Last Day of Classes in 2024 (early dismissal at 1:15 pm)
Dec 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan 6 First Day of Classes After Holiday
Jan 7 Tuesdays @Ten
Jan 22 Last Day of Classes for Semester 1
Jan 23 - 29 Semester 1 Final Evaluation Block
Jan 30 Final Evaluation Review Day
Jan 31 Professional Activity Day – No Classes
This is the final Principal's Blog for 2024.
We wish you all a safe, healthy,
and happy holiday season and new year!
The Principal's Blog will return to your inbox on Sunday, January 12, 2025.
If you have any questions or suggestions for improving the school, our door is always open. Please feel free to contact our admin team by email.
Please remember that our work hours may not be your work hours. As a result, responses to emails sent outside our standard hours may not be immediate. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
Luisa Botelho, Robin Toffolo, Joanna Anderson, Sahar Monzavi-Bacon